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Course Summary

“Who are you doing business with?” “What is the subject of your transaction?” “How is your transaction being conducted?” CE’s awareness-level Trade Compliance Overview course introduces any employee performing any function in any location to these common themes of the trade process. The course is presented in clear, easy-to-understand microlearning elements that highlight key compliance concepts relevant to international trade and offers engaging scenarios that illustrate how these concepts can impact day-to-day situations.

Users will receive a certificate of completion from George Mason University upon successful completion of this course.

Learning Objectives

Enable learners to recognize situations that could give rise to the risk of a trade compliance violation and know how to respond in accordance with applicable laws and company policies.

Target Audience

Any employee, regardless of their job function or location, responsible for carrying out routine compliance-related tasks within their organization

Course Duration: 45 minutes

Certificate of Completion: George Mason University 

Course Outline

Introduction to Trade Compliance

Who Is Involved in Your Transaction?

  • Functional Introductions to ''Who'' Key Concepts and Scenarios
  • Exports
    • Exporting Software
  • Screening
    • Brokering
  • Scenarios
    • Export: Hand Carrying Parts Completed
    • Exporting Technical Information: Using Websites to Share Information with Partners
    • Screening: Understand Your Transaction
    • End-Use Restrictions: Red Flags Concerning End Use

Resources Available

What Is the Subject of Your Transaction?

  • Functional Introduction to “What” Key Concepts and Scenarios
  • Control Lists
  • Authorizations
  • Scenarios
    • Authorizations: Export Requirements – Shipping to Other Countries

Resources Available

How Is Your Transaction Being Conducted?

  • Functional Introduction to “How” Key Concepts and Scenarios
  • Corruption Controls
  • Money Laundering
  • Diversion
  • Reporting
  • Scenarios
    • Corruption Controls: Did My Colleague Offer a Bribe?
    • Money Laundering: Money Laundering Red Flags
    • Diversion: Red Flags Concerning an End User
    • Reporting: Accurate Reporting to Hierarchy and Authorities

Resources Available

Training Summary

Additional Courses to Consider

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